As a user, it is important to know what is inside each file.
I would appreciated the title of the card to appear in the title of the file. I know there are challenges with characters in multiple languages, characters that can’t appear in files names, and that 2 files can’t have the same file name.
So here is a suggestion only:
Where SafeTitle is the title of the card without the forbidden characters and hash is the curre t hash.
Yes, this is important. The database-style dump is not helpful for any use of the exported cards. Also, create a more comprehensive export (with images, a pdf-snapshot of the board(s))
Maybe make the first few words of a card appear as the tile of an exported card?
A possibility, but many people set titles (I know I do) of documents, cards, spreadsheets, so I can (relatively) quickly know what the content of the document is, or should be. I think the text a person enters to the “Enter a title…” prompt when creating a new card is what the export should use. Maybe create a defaut with an option to choose the first words of the title or the whole title in the export function?
Why not survey people using Scrintal? Give them options, so you have your scope implicitly delineating ideas. In any case, I think option by data exports are very important.
I also think that improving the export function should be a priority.
I agree with the file export. Even if I import that into something like Obsidian I would have to re-name everything that I already named and it only has the text – nothing else.
Also PDF, HTML or even PNG export would be great.
agreed, wish this would be refined